Somali Sisters Cycling Project

Salams and welcome!
Introducing our new collaborative project led by Bikeworks and Cycle Sisters – we hope you enjoy taking part.
Cycle Sister’s superstar cyclist and Bikeworks Cycling instructors will help, assist and encourage sisters to access cycle skills, lessons and build confidence.
When: Mondays & Tuesdays during term time.
10:00-12:00 Beginner session
To take part, you must be available to join lessons from Victoria Park.
Over the coming months, we will help with starting you on your cycling journey and hopefully sisters will attend Cycle Sisters’ weekly Tower Hamlets rides.
As part of this process, we need to monitor the sisters who are taking part, so we would be grateful if you could complete this short registration form.
It’s been an amazing experience to go from not being able to cycle to feeling confident to ride in different terrains. The instructors are very accommodating, inspiring and challenge us to keep learning.
Places can only be offered to Somali women who live, work or study in Tower Hamlets.
We currently have a waiting list and will not be running sessions during Ramadan
If you have any questions, please speak to Rahma or email
This project is funded by The Tower Hamlets GP Care Group CIC and Tower Hamlets Council and delivered in partnership with Cycle sisters and Bikeworks CIC.
Every Monday and Tuesday during term time.
Sessions to start on Monday 11th & Tuesday 12th of September,
until Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th of October 2023. When we will pause for the winter months.
No sessions during half term breaks and summer holidays.
Meet your instructor at our East London Hub; located at the East side of Victoria Park – Entering from Parnell Road, approximate postcode E3 2LA.

What should I wear?
We train in all weather. Please come dressed for being outdoors. For example, gloves, waterproof warm jackets, trainers, sunglasses.
Please refer back to Cycle Sisters’ blog on Islamic clothing while cycling.
We welcome all Somali women who live, work or study in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and are 16 years or over.
Bike Rental
If you are unable to provide your own cycles, we will be able to supply one for free with a helmet at our Victoria Park Cycling Hub.
Terms & Conditions
Please read our Terms and Conditions before signing up for Cycle Training
Read our blog with Tower Hamlets Area Coordinator, Sab – here
Cycling guide