Why have new qualifications been introduced?
The new qualifications aim to ensure consistency and quality across cycle training providers.
All existing instructors have until 31st March 2024 to register for the Level 2 qualification. You can continue to deliver in the meantime. Previous training and experience is taken into account, so you don’t have to do the four day course again.
How are the qualifications different to before?
The instructor qualifications are now externally regulated by Ofqual. The National Standard Instructor (NSI) qualification is now the 1st4sport Level 2 award in Instructing Cycle Training. The National Standard Instructor Trainer (NSIT) qualification is now the 1st4sport Level 3 award in Developing Cycle Training Instructors.
Who are 1st4sport?
1st4sport is an awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual that specialises in vocational and occupational qualifications in the active leisure, learning and well-being sectors. 1st4sport oversees the awards, which are delivered by Recognised Delivery Centres. The name of the awarding body does not mean that you are now a sports coach!
What Happened to Instructor Training Organisations (ITOs)?
Some old ITO’s, and potential newcomers, applied to deliver the new qualifications, and on approval became Recognised Delivery Centres (RDC’s). Former NSIT’s at RDC’s have re-qualified as ‘tutors’ through the new Level 3 course. All RDC’s are listed on the Bikeability Professionals website
What role does the Bikeability Trust play?

From September 2018, The Bikeability Trust has managed the development and delivery of Bikeability on behalf of the Department for Transport (DfT).
How do the new qualifications affect existing instructors?
All existing instructors have until 31st March 2024 to register for the new Level 2 qualification. You can continue to deliver in the meantime. Previous training and experience is taken into account, so you don’t have to do the four day course again. You must have delivered at least 72 hours of instructing to be eligible for this route. The route you will take is called the ‘Recognised Prior Learning’ for the Level 2 award.
What do I have to do?
Register with an RDC. You can register with Bikeworks here
Once registered, you have six months to complete an online e-portfolio and have a Post Course Assessment (PCA). The e-portfolio contains multiple choice questions on topics such as the National Standard, Duty of Care, and Inclusion. There are sections for planning sessions, uploading risk assessments, and reflecting on your delivery and development. 1st4sport estimate the e-portfolio will take around 4 hours to complete.
The PCA involves you delivering an on-road session and being assessed by a tutor from your RDC. Your tutor will also support you through your e-portfolio tasks.
Why Choose Bikeworks as my RDC?
Bikeworks has been delivering cycle training in all its forms since 2006. This includes schools Bikeability, adult cycle skills, all ability cycling, and cycle maintenance. Bikeworks has taken on expertise from Cycle Training UK to support its development as an RDC.
Bikeworks’ programmes are designed to have a social impact and are delivered to the highest quality. A Community Interest Company, Bikeworks is London’s only not-for-profit RDC. This means Bikeworks can deliver high quality training at reasonable prices.
Throughout your re-qualification you will be supported by your Bikeworks tutor through email and telephone support. Bikeworks also offer a comprehensive range of Continued Professional Development Courses (CPD) in all aspects of cycle training.
Bikeworks is the only truly inclusive RDC in London. It’s instructor training has a wide scope which encompasses National Standard riding for all.
What will it cost?
Bikeworks’ fee for the RPL route is £225 per instructor. This includes:
- £45 registration fee with 1st4sport;
- A half day practical CPD course introducing you to the new qualification and e-portfolio, and its application in session planning and teaching. This is a recognised CPD course endorsed by the Bikeability Trust;
- Tutor mentoring to guide you through your e-portfolio tasks;
- One Post Course Assessment- contact time plus verbal and written feedback.
The Bikeability Trust will contribute a £60 bursary towards the cost, provided you have registered for the RPL Level 2 Award before 31st March 2024. Please note this has already been applied to the £225.
Additional PCA’s, if needed, are £100.
For Providers with a team of instructors, Bikeworks will arrange assessments (PCAs) over a number of days to reduce costs, clustering these PCAs together to allow up to 3 a day.
Prices may be subject to review.
Further information about the new qualifications can be found on the Bikeability Professionals website