Incident/Near Miss Reporting Form

Report an incident or near miss on any kind of session within 24hrs of the event EVEN IF you have disucssed it verbally with the office. The time of submitting this report is recorded automatically.

For events involving emergency services please call the office as soon as possible to inform the Operations Manager or Project Manager AND submit this form within 24hrs.

Complete this form all in one go- you cannot save as you go along, and if you leave it half-filled it will time out after a short amount of time and you will lose what you have written.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time/Approx time of incident
Location of incident
Add address and postcode if you know it/if relevant. EG 'CentralPark' will do.
Which Session type were you working on(Required)
The relevant Project Manager will automaticaly recieve a copy of the incident report and may contact you for further info.
EG Ambulance running number, incident report number, PC ID number.

Were they injured?(Required)

Decribe the Incident

BEFORE What activities were taking place? Did anything significant happen in the lead up to the incident? DURING How did it unfold?...What was the nature of any injuries?...... AFTER What action did you take next? Were guardians invovled/ informed?...... Was first aid used?....did you continue with activities?
Anything you would do differently in future? Anything the office could do differently in future?
Photos of the area/ damage/ injuries/ third party reports, anything useful.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Office staff section:

The PM recieving this report will add their own notes/ organisational actions (if any)